Idioms And Phrases: বাগধারার ও শব্দসমষ্টি

Idioms And Phrases: বাগধারার ও শব্দসমষ্টি

Idioms And Phrases: বাগধারার ও শব্দসমষ্টি

Idioms And Phrases: বাগধারার ও শব্দসমষ্টি

❏ Acid Test (A conclusive test of the success or value of something)

➨ I practised hard but the acid test will come at the time of my exam.

❏ A red letter day (An important day)

➨ 26 January is a red letter day for our nation.

❏ A white elephant (Of no use)

➨ That super size desk is a white elephant for him.

❏ Back-room boys (People who perform important work but have no contact with the public)

➨ The director praised his back room boys for the success of this project.

❏ Black sheep (A traitor)

➨ Later on Mr Subhash proved a black sheep for the company where he was working.

❏ Bee in one's bonnet (Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts)

➨ Seema is not happy in Africa. She has a bee in the bonnet about moving to India.

❏ Blood, sweat and tears (Something that requires a lot of effort and hard work)

➨ Being an actor is not just a matter of luck for him, it is his blood, sweat and tears which has got him there.

❏ Bottom fell out (Refers to a situation wwhen a plan or project fails)

➨ When the police announced a red alert in the city, the bottom fell out of their plan to hold a rally.

❏ Cut-throat competition (A tough competition)

➨ There is a cut-throat competition among the publishers in the market.

❏ Close to home (A comment which is true and and one cam relate to it)

➨ Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home.

❏ Dead in the water (Plan or project that has ceased to function and is not expected to be re-activated in future)

➨ Because of GST, the plan to get the FDI in various sectors is now dead in the water.

❏ Dead wood (People or things which are no longer useful or necessary)

➨ The company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods.

❏ Deep down (Describing what a person really feels deep inside or what he is like)

➨ A mother has an outward appearance of calm, but deep down she is really worried for her children.

❏ Fever pitch (When a feeling is very intense and exciting, it is said to be at a fever pitch)

➨ His love for music had reached a fever pitch before he became a world known musician.

❏ Fish out of water (Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings)

➨ Being Indian, I felt like a fish out of water in the group of Chinese people.

❏ Fine-tooth comb (Examining something carefully to not miss out any details)

➨ The teacher examined my notebook with a fine tooth comb before submitting it to the principal.

❏ Flying start (Something that is immediately successful)

➨ The film hits the box office with a flying start and collected the highest revenue on the first day.

❏ Foot in the door (Small but good start with a possibility for a bright future)

➨ With customers coming in, his new venture has got a foot in the door.

❏ Go bananas (Refers to someone who behaves in a crazy way out of emotions)

➨ Your decision to go abroad for a year will make your family go bananas.

❏ Proud as a peacock (Refers to an extremely proud person)

➨ His son has finally become a doctor. He is as proud a peacock.

❏ Rags to riches (Becoming very rich while starting very poor)

➨ His innovative ideas in business got him from rags to riches.

❏ Slow and steady (Consistent and effective efforts)

➨ Slow and steady wins the race.

❏ Smash hit (Refers to music, films which are very successful)

➨ His music became a smash hit in a week's time.

❏ Tongue-tied (Difficulty in expressing)

➨ As her prospective in laws came to see her, she was completely tongue tied.

❏ Top dog (Very successful group, company, person, country etc.)

➨ The economic survey proved that they are the top dogs of the IT industry.

❏ Tricks of the trade (Clever or expert way of doing something)

➨ Being into the construction business for the last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade.

❏ Under a cloud (to not be trusted or popular because people think you have done something bad)

➨ Neha was under a cloud as she dropped off the plan at the last minute.

❏ Wooden spoon (Imaginary prize för the last person in a race)

➨ We won a wooden spoon at the fashion show.

❏ Whole bag of tricks (Trying all the clever means to achieve something)

➨ It was really difficult to find the information even after applying the whole bag of tricks.

কপিরাইট: এর অনুমতি ছাড়া কোনো অংশ কপি করে অন্য কোনও ওয়েবসাইটে বা ব্লগে ব্যবহার করা অথবা অন্য কোনো উপায়ে প্রকাশ করা সম্পূর্ণ নিষিদ্ধ। যদি কোনো কারনে লেখার অংশ প্রয়োজন হয় তাহলে আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করে, উপযুক্ত লিঙ্ক সহ সম্পূর্ন সূত্র দিয়ে কপি করার অনুরোধ করা হল। অন্যথায় আমরা উপযুক্ত ব্যবস্থা নিতে বাধ্য থাকবো। আপনি কেবলমাত্র পড়াশোনার জন্য আপনার বন্ধু ও আত্মীয়দের হােয়াটসঅ্যাপ টেলিগ্রাম বা ফেসবুক ইত্যাদি প্লাটফর্মে শেয়ার করতে পারেন এমনকি প্রিন্ট ও করতে পারেন তাতে আমাদের কোনো অসুবিধা নেই।

আমাদের কথা: যদি কোনো প্রশ্নের উত্তর বা বানান ভুল থাকে, এই ভুল আমাদের অনিচ্ছাকৃত এর জন্য আমরা ক্ষমা প্রার্থী। সঠিকটা অবশ্যই কমেন্ট করে জানান আমরা পরবর্তী ক্ষেত্রে আপডেট করে দেব।

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